An advanced profanity filter based on English phonetics (how stuff sounds). It will help you identify bad/swear words in a given text. It will also apply a mask on the detected words and censor it.
Applications of Bad Words Detection API
The question comes to mind is that why and where would someone need this API. Well as discussed above the people all around the world are not so civilized. So you might think that you need to have some kind of filter to get away from them.
eCommerce Websites If you are running an online business, then you must have an idea that bad reviews and comments have a very unpleasant impact. Our API has just solved one of your major issues.
Online Video Games The point is that games are mostly played by children and there is no restriction about anything. Abusive language is widely used in online games unless you stop it.
Key Features
- Tells you what swears and where they are used in a message.
- Deviations to words will be caught and reported.
- Words with special characters can get caught.
- Very resistant to filter bypassing attempts.