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Do you want to know who is behind the domains and connected IP addresses in your database? Bulk WHOIS API can retrieve all corresponding WHOIS records with a single query. Upload your existing data and download the result in CSV format.

We provide flexible and reliable bulk API processing

Completeness All data points contained in WHOIS records are made available through Bulk WHOIS API. This includes registrants’ contact information and address, registrar, and domain dates (creation/domain age, expiration, updates, etc.). Consistency Our bulk API gives out WHOIS information in a consistent format. That way, you can readily use the results because they are compatible with your systems. Flexibility Our API gives you the flexibility to upload multiple domain lists and download separate results with unique request IDs for each file. Convenience You don’t have to worry about compatibility. Our API returns results containing parsed and raw data in either Extensible Markup Language (XML) or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.

Practical usage

  • Cybercrime prevention
  • Law enforcement
  • Domain names research
  • Brand protection
  • Payment processing

Bulk WHOIS API Pricing

Pricing and Rate-Limit info.

$0 /mo

  • 500Requests/month

$30 /mo

  • 2,000Requests/month

$800 /mo

  • 200,000Requests/month

$3600 /mo

  • 2,000,000Requests/month

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