
Giphy API

Free Tier


As the first and largest GIF search engine that serves more than 10 billion GIFs per day, it’s safe to say GIPHY knows GIFs. We’ve built powerful SDK and API tools and an extensive library of GIFs and Clips so you can access the best reaction search engine in the game.

  • The Most Engaging Content Our exclusive clip, gif, and sticker library is powered by thousands of artists and hundreds of premium content partners. We a directly with them so you can feel secure knowing it's safe for distribution everywhere your app is used.

  • Powerful Search Algorithms Our unparalleled search algorithm lets users easily express themselves and animate their conversations with the exact GIF they we’re looking for, or didn’t know they wanted. It also uses analytics to improve results and keep users coming back for more.

  • Optimized Loading & Renditions We offer extensive rendition options for different platforms and devices to ensure loading content doesn’t get in the way of your app’s speed. Better yet, it’s already built directly into our SDK.

Giphy API Pricing

Pricing and Rate-Limit info.

$0 /mo

  • 1,000Requests/day

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