Search worldwide news with code Locate articles and breaking news headlines from news sources and blogs across the web with our JSON API
News API is a simple, easy-to-use REST API that returns JSON search results for current and historic news articles published by over 80,000 worldwide sources.
Worldwide Scale Search through hundreds of millions of articles in 14 languages from 55 countries.
Easy Integration Get JSON results with simple HTTP GET requests, or use one of the SDKs available in your language.
Free for Development Jump right into a trial if you're in development. No credit card required
Use powerful search and filter options
Keywords and phrases Search with singular keywords, or surround complete phrases with quotation marks for exact-match: q=tesla or q="elon musk" Specify words which must appear in articles, and words that must not, to remove irrelevent results: q=gamestop +stonks -sell Boolean operators AND / OR / NOT and brackets are supported so you can do this: q=(crypto AND bitcoin) NOT ethereum Limit your search specifically within titles, or content: qInTitle="title search"
Dates and timeframes Interested in articles less than 2 weeks old? from=2022-03-03 Focus on news from a specific period in the past from=2020-03-01&to=2020-03-15 Or leave blank to get the up-to-the-minute latest news
Publishers Limit your searches to a single publisher by entering their domain name Or a selection of publishers:,, And remove unwanted publishers:,
Languages Limit your search to one of 14 languages: language=en, language=jp