Western Union

Western Union Mass Payments API

Free Tier

Mass Payments allows Western Union Business Solutions (WUBS) to provide a payment processing platform to accommodate high volume domestic and FX transactions with API functionality for payment, batching, reconciliation, processing, and sanctions visibility.

The Mass Payments platform supports a fully automated transaction lifecycle via an Application Programming Interface (API) based channel for a batch integration model.

Mass Payments allows customers to submit batches of beneficiary payments to WUBS for processing and to specify how they will fund each payment within a batch.

With this model, the customer is able to plan and budget for the remittance of a specific batch of payments.

A single batch can consist of payments with different trade (payout) and settlement currency combinations including:

  • Different trade currencies for the same settlement currency.

  • Different settlement currencies for the same trade currency.

  • Trade currency same as settlement currency.

NOTE: Payments with the same trade/settlement currency combination can only be assigned one currency (trade or settlement) as the fixed amount.

Western Union Mass Payments API Pricing

Pricing and Rate-Limit info.


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