Municode Library

BIN Checker

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What is BIN?

Bank Identification Number (“BIN”) or Issuer Identification Number (“IIN”) is the first six digits (no spaces) of a bank-issued card. It is commonly used in credit cards, debit cards, stored-value cards and some gift cards. BIN is used to validate card issuer information through the BIN database which helps to prevent online fraud.

BIN holds information of: brand of the card ( Visa, Master Card, …), name of the issuing institution/ bank, country of issuance, type of the card (Debit / Credit), category of the card.

What is Bin Checker API?

Our BIN Checker API uses the first 6 digits of an issuer card to retrieve the information. It contains one of the most accurate lists of BINs and their relevant data from the issuer banks all over the world.

  • If BIN number doesn’t exist in our BIN Lookup, an HTTP 404 response is returned.
  • If some of the relevant information is not currently available in our database, you will see them as empty fields in the response. You can inform us about such cases, and we'll do our best to overcome the situation.

We have spent a large amount of time compiling BIN numbers from as many sources as possible. This process includes filtering and refining the level of information and checking their accuracy. We update our BIN database regularly to provide you the most accurate information.

BIN Checker Pricing

Pricing and Rate-Limit info.

$0 /mo

  • 600Requests/day

$4.99 /mo

  • 15,000Requests/day

$9.99 /mo

  • 60,000Requests/day

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