A smarter news API Up-to-the-minute news & events data from over 40,000 sources across the web. Structured & enriched by AI.
News from over 40,000 sources
Global media Up-to-the-minute coverage from national & world news sources — from major media brands to smaller niche publishers.
Local city media Search by city, state or province and filter for news published by local city papers & broadcasters.
Event clustering Articles are systematically scored for similarity and then organized into headline clusters. Analyze each of them individually, or filter for unique headlines.
Real-time signals Perigon analyzes up to 1,000,000 articles every day. Search by source, location, author, or keyword for news.
Easy integration Apply Perigon's API to your project with simple HTTP 'GET' requests and JSON results. Start with just 4 lines of code.